July has been quite the popular the month to have a birthday! We've celebrated both Sara and Collin's birthdays and of course...mine. Over the 24th of July weekend Eric and I went to the Outlets in Park City so I could spend my birthday money and get some clothes for Germany. We both found some great deals, which as a girl, sales are something worthy of blogging about! Eric found some nice shoes for $10 and I found a pair of jeans at American Eagle that use to be $45 for $10.50! Talk about a great deal! We also went to the new movie "Inception" that everyone has been building up our excitement for and we definitely were not disappointed. If you haven't seen it yet...go and see it! It's a very original story line that keeps you interested throughout the whole movie.
On my actual birthday, Eric made me my favorite breakfast, German pancakes. I had work, but it was a relaxed day as usual and Eric surprised me by leaving flowers for me at work. The people of work threw me a party at lunch which was a lot of fun to take a break and just visit with everyone in the office. I work with some real
ly fun people so we always have some good laughs. After work Tyler and Annelise (Sophia), Collin and Sara, and Eric and I went out to dinner at the Happy Sumo to celebrate both mine and Sara's birthday. We've seemed to make a tradition of getting together as family on each other's birthdays. I'm so grateful to have family around and that we are able to have such a great time together. It will be sad when they all have to go away to graduate schools.

To finish off the day Eric made me chocolate zucchini cake. I made a goal after the 4th of July not to have dessert until my birthday and to my and everyone's great surprise I stuck with my goal, so chocolate zucchini cake was the perfect thing to end my dessert "fast" with. So delicious!
Eric's present to me for my birthday was tickets to "The Wedding Singer" on Wednesday night at the Hale Center Theater. I have always loved the 1998's movie with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore (to be honest about one of the only movies I like with Adam Sandler) and we both love going to musicals so I was really excited to go. The musical was excellent and very entertaining! The foyer was decorated like a tacky 1980's wedding reception that was only the beginning to the play which featured a decade filled with neon, synthesized music, bad hairdos and shoulder pads. I absolutely loved everything about it; it was so fun! The performers where really great and energectic as well with fun choreography. We laughed throughout the whole musical. I highly recommend going if you ever get the chance!

Our favorite characters where the grandmother (the old lady that Robbie Hart gives voice lessons to in the movie) and Robbie Hart's gay band member. They were hilarious!
Now for my general updates, we will be in Germany in less than a week with Eric's grandparents and cannot wait, but still need to start packing for. We will also be celebrating our one year anniversary while there. One year of being married, holy moly!!! My family is coming up this weekend for Sophia's baby blessing so it will be good to see them before we leave. Oh and one of the biggest updates is that Eric got into the Information Systems program here at BYU! I am so proud of him! It is a really challenging program to get into and one of the best! He is really excited to start that this upcoming semester. One down side is that he is going to be really busy so I guess it's time to get out there and make some friends. We are also excited to go to Matt (Eric's cousin) and Hannah's wedding in August which is in the Manti temple. I am excited for the chance to go back to Manti which is where we were married.
I believe I've reached the end of my updates. My next post will be post Germany with lots of pictures!